AI Power for Professionals
Courses to Help You
Start, Grow, and Scale Your
Consulting or B2B Professional Business
These Courses Put the Power of AI to Work for You!

Consultants or B2B Professionals

Consultants or B2B Professionals

Consulting or B2B Professional Firms
Fully recommended for anyone starting out on their coaching or consulting practices, or even if you are already underway but would like to have a structured approach to growing your business.
In all, an excellent course, with excellent resources and a knowledgeable and very personable teacher.Â

Juan Antonio MartĂnez,  XLNS Coaching
Small Business Coach, Spain
Professional Mastery with AI
Consulting and Professional Mastery with AI Power
Duration: 12 Weeks | Level: Solo or Firm, New, Early Stage, Experienced | Cost: $897 $497 Pilot
Start, Grow, and Scale your Consulting and Professional Business with Proven Strategies, Tactics, and AI-Powered Systems.
This intensive boot camp guides you through starting, building, and scaling a professional business and using Gen AI to accelerate your startup and growth.Â
You will learn and apply a strong business foundation with a powerful toolkit of proven strategies, tactics, and AI-powered systems.
At the end of the course, you will have access to a robust library of prompts designed for professional services.
The course is critical to new and early-stage consultants and professionals starting their businesses. Experienced consultants and service professionals will find it a powerful toolbox that will accelerate their growth, help them breakthrough obstacles, and give them new avenues of expertise and revenue.
At each stage in the 12-week course you learn and use Gen AI prompts that build AI-powered systems for that stage. For example, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, sales roleplay with a client simulator, automated proposal generator, and more. (These are all "no code" implementations.)
Transform your career in this in-depth boot camp. It covers everything from Gen AI foundation skills to strategies and tactics that can make you an industry leader and provide new value to your clients.
Join the WaitlistBuild Business Projects as You Learn

Consulting and Professional Mastery gives you guidance and step-by-step instructions on building business systems to improve your business and client performance.
At every stage in the Professional Mastery courses you not only learn what is critical to success, you build Business Builder projects that form a strong, powerful foundation for your business.
Masterclasses: Focused Depth
What Masterclasses Would Help You?
I'd love to hear what Masterclass topics you are interested in.
Please let me know what would help you.
What Course Would Help You?…I don't ever recommend training, but this is a rare exception.
Of the dozens of trainings I have been involved with over the last twenty years, this is hands down the best business training I have attended at any price point, highly recommended.

Steve Birks, BizDash Systems Ltd.
Providing managers with custom-made business dashboards,
and Visual Management Operating Systems
Who is Your Instructor and Coach?
Hi, I'm Ron Person,
(I'm on the left. Sweet Molly, the wonder dog, on right),
My first five years as a consultant were tough. But I stuck with it and learned the strategies, tactics, and systems to build a highly successful consulting business.Â
I don't want you to go through those tough times!
I've consulted and trained corporate giants like Microsoft, Arthur Andersen, and Fortune 1000 and Global 1000 corporations as well as regional non-profits.Â

My 30+ years of experience came through multiple channels - consulting and training in mid-sized and global corporations, teaching in the Executive Extension of the University of California, Berkeley, and writing 27 books with four international bestsellers and three million copies sold.
I learned the strategies, tactics, and systems that build successful consulting and professional service businesses!
And now, I can pass on that experience and winning systems to you and automate it with the power of Gen AI.

The course exceeded my expectations.
I wanted to learn consulting best practices that would help me transition from the corporate environment to a new consulting business as quickly as possible.
I believe that the course helped me shave years off the process of building an effective business system for consulting.

Judith Garland, Securescape Analytics
Co-creating Value for Exceptional Project and Program Outcomes
You Can't Lose Guarantee!
“Can’t Lose Guarantee"
After the first three months in the course, and completing your Business Builder projects, I guarantee you will generate enough new revenue to recover your investment in Consulting Mastery.Â
“Accelerator Guarantee"
From what you learn, the Gen AI prompts, the Business Builder projects, and community feedback, you will breakthrough your biggest business bottlenecks. You will be ready to reach the next higher level.
If you don't reach either of these two goals, I will work with you until you do.
Ron's one-on-one approach was and still is an immense help for me...
The course met my expectations with step-by-step guides on how to achieve all my business goals. Ron was also extremely helpful and went above and beyond in supporting my business.

Enjoy every intense moment because it is intensive and utilizes Ron's wealth of experience, knowledge, and time. Ron's one-on-one approach was and still is an immense help for me in becoming an established independent management consultant.
Tolu Ajakaiye, Evance Consulting, United Kingdom
Working with Cx0s, HR, and Operations
to simplify back-office complexity for greater performance